The Spaces In-between

Amidst a life of constant content, noise and activity, how can we glimpse, uncover and be more intimate with the spaces between? How can we come to know and be in relationship with the antithesis of our minds obsession with content?

Session 1: Glimpses

When we take time to look closely at any object, we can begin to discern not only its subtlety but find more and more inherent spaciousness with both what’s being observed and the act of observing itself. When we look with great intensity and magnification, we know that deeper levels exist that are consistently more spacious. Atoms reveal that 99.999999 recurring of what we perceive as real is simply just enormous amounts of space, but how can we come to know this experience within our own limited human perception?

Watch the full zoom recording, or pick from the practices or talk below to listen individually.

Session 2: Dissolving (22 Feb)

When we consistently apply attention toward objects of perception, we begin to notice how everything is arising and passing away. Be it a breath, a sound, a sensation or even emotions and thoughts - they all come and go. But where do they come from? And where do they dissolve back into? Through sustained attention and enquiry, discover a consistent substratum of stillness in which every perception comes and goes. Know in your own experience: what is changing and what stays the same.

Watch the full zoom recording, or pick from the practices or talk below to listen individually.

Session 3 - Amidst the chaos

It is undeniable: life is fast-paced, frenetic, and incessant with demands for our time and attention. Now we know the stillness that exists between every object of perception, how can we find a stillness that is more pervasive and lasting? What would it take to feel stillness amidst the endless movements of life?

Watch the full zoom recording, or pick from the practices or talk below to listen individually.

Session 4 - What’s behind it all?

Through an intimate and sustained relationship with what is unchanging and still, we might be able to explore the limitations, boundaries, and ‘suchness’ of the spaciousness of our own perceptions. Is this spaciousness truly ‘ours’? Or is it something that precedes and goes beyond our sense of self?

Watch the full zoom recording, or pick from the practices or talk below to listen individually.

Further/interesting reading/viewing: