Find Your Calm

Monthly Deep Rest Membership

Find Your Calm:
Weekly Deep Rest Sessions

James has spent nearly twenty years devoted to practising, teaching, writing about and living the path of Yoga Nidra and deep rest. Join him – and a community of warm, welcoming, curious, sometimes irreverent and always compassionate rest enthusiasts – in his monthly membership offering.

Whether you join live or via the extensive library, this is your invitation to uncover your own unique pathway to the heart of meditation – and to a life lived from a place of unconditional wholeness, curiosity and trust, come what may.

New themes in 2024, include:

  • Being Human - Explore themes that will help you feel at ease with the mess of life, and how letting go of perfectionism and striving can be the key to unlocking a deep feeling of well-being.

  • Inner Seeing - Awaken your subconscious mind and the dream-like images that are resting just below the surface. Commune more deeply with your inner world.

  • Safe In An Unsafe World - establish a firm sense of safety and security within yourself, not as a barrier to the world but as a way to unlock the ability to be in the world and yet remain calm, clear, and secure within.

  • Inner Contentment - Our inner contentment is always there, waiting to be remembered. All that’s needed is to stop, get curious, and explore what’s already at ease within. Recover your calm, compassionate self!


“Just a quick note to say I am so much enjoying the weekly sessions on Tuesdays. By taking this precious time to deeply rest, I can simply be me more easily. Just being me, that's such a relief! It makes life easier…..”


“Through your Tuesday night group, I am finding a real sense of community and can feel the deep benefit of connecting with myself as well as allowing myself to be seen authentically by others. You and the group create a really safe space where I feel I can start to open, like a flower or young plant tentatively opening to the sun.”


“I don’t think I could have allowed myself to rest in this way if it wasn’t for your wise and gentle guidance”

Find Your Calm! Weekly Deep Rest Sessions & Library Service
Every month

Welcome Home To Your Self

Deep Rest isn’t just about exploring and experiencing the yumminess of your own quiet calm, it’s also about embracing your whole self, about ending the struggle with who you are and what you need, to be at ease amidst life. It’s about finding deep compassion for yourself, in this moment, and welcoming your vulnerabilities as wise messengers. It’s a heartfelt experience of radical self-acceptance and realising that the one thing you’ve been searching for all this time is right here, within you, if you’d only stop searching. These sessions are heartfelt, warm, funny, and tender in equal measure. You’ll find a sense of belonging here, both to yourself and to a lovely, intimate group who are seeking just what you are - to feel deeply rested and at ease within themselves.

Weekly Deep Rest sessions, Live on Tuesdays 7-8pm GMT or catch up with recordings of the talks & rest meditations, to integrate into your day.

Access weekly classes focused on themes from the Book of Rest and practices taken from trainings, workshops and retreats, featuring:

  • Unique and specific content, helping you integrate rest more deeply into your day-to-day experience

  • Weekly content that’s always fresh and new, helping keep your practice alive

  • Access a portfolio of historic practices that will help you find the most meaningful ways to rest for you, meaning easy access to deep rest and stillness

  • Go even deeper than our monthly offerings and explore topics over a 4 week period, so you can expand and drill down into particular approaches, allowing you to enhance your rest experience

 These sessions are offered live each Tuesday, 7-8pm GMT (and recorded for those of you who can’t make it live!), and led by James:

  • Interact and ask questions, helping you navigate challenges and frustrations in getting ‘still’, offering you a clearer path to rest

  • Be in community with those who love to rest! Feel a sense of belonging and let the collective stillness draw you in

  • Review recordings of each session – posted in the members’ area -  so you can continue to practice throughout the week

  • Each session will include a short (10 minute) and longer (30 minute) practice, so you can choose from either depending on the time you have in a given day, allowing you to be more consistently rested

You don’t need to attend live as all the resources will be accessible in the user area, but if you can make it, we’d love to see you there!

“Just wanted to drop a quick line to let you know I’m very much enjoying the weekly gatherings. It’s refreshed my practice, and it feels good to be part of a community. The Tuesday evenings have already become an anchor point in my week.”

— Member

Here’s what you’ll receive when you join

  1. Weekly live sessions with James (and catch up any time with recordings)

  2. Downloads of the rest practices from each session, both current and historic (yours to keep forever!)

  3. A back catalog of talks, reflections, and meditations on themes such as building emotional intelligence, working with opposites, finding your inner compass, and roadblocks to rest.

  4. You can watch the zoom sessions on catch-up or pick from edited highlights, so you can jump straight to practices that will help you rest each and every day.

“I've subscribed to the weekly sessions and found previous recordings in the member’s area. That is incredibly generous of you considering that the monthly fee is quite low. Thank you!”

- Member

Find Your Calm! Weekly Deep Rest Sessions & Library Service
Every month

Join live, or use this as a one-stop library service for all your rest needs

If you don’t have the time to join us live each week or being in groups isn’t your thing, you can use this resource as a one-stop library service for all your rest needs. You’ll find, and be able to download and keep for life, a selection of practices that address key challenges to finding deep and lasting rest in your life.

I’ve poured my love, attention, and 20-plus years of exploring, refining, and teaching rest to tens of thousands of people into this one focused resource.

There are talks, practices, and themes that address barriers to resting, present differing ways toward finding quietness within, and both short and longer practices that address even the busiest days.

You can use these audio practices as part of your lunch break, commute, downtime, or as a way to drift off to sleep at night, meaning you’ll be able to find time to rest, even if you don’t believe it’s possible.

Bonus Content

Rest Now Audio Programme - a Companion to the Book Of Rest - Was £29.99, yours FOR FREE

This comprehensive introduction to yoga nidra - or put more simply, resting deeply - comprises four full practices (audio recordings), and an accompanying 30 page booklet in PDF format.

Rest Now will enable you to:

  • Create your own desert island in life, without the need to get away from anything or anyone

  • Unravel from guilt and shame about stopping

  • Be better able to face that restless part of you that might seem ever more present whenever you do try to stop (such as a ‘monkey mind’)

  • Experience how a meditative state does not require you to have any knowledge or skills

  • Come to know the part of you that is always at rest, so that in frantic or unsettled periods of life you can call on this restfulness, even amidst the storm

  • Experience how rest can, contrary to expectations, increase your productivity and energy levels

  • Notice the opportunities amidst your current day-to-day life to enjoy the benefits of a natural pause - i.e. see that you might not necessarily have to ‘create’ space in your life, just notice where it is already


  • 8 MP3 audio tracks (4 introductions and 4 full practices)

  • 1 thirty-page PDF booklet (to help you deepen the experience)

All yours to keep forever and gifted to you on joining our monthly membership porthole.
Listen whenever you like, as often as you like.

Yours to keep forever and gifted to you on joining our monthly membership porthole.

I have built the Find Your Calm membership as a sanctuary for you, and am 100% committed to holding that sanctuary with love, good will and compassion. I hope that it will serve you deeply. If, however, for any reason, you feel it’s not for you within the first two weeks of purchase, you can email and we’ll give you a full refund.

With Love,

Find Your Calm! Weekly Deep Rest Sessions & Library Service
Every month

Or subscribe with Paypal for International/European bank cards