Deep Rest One-to-One 

Deep Rest Integration Sessions with James Reeves

  • "In these sessions, I have been able to independently explore and be with arising fears, loves, anxieties and passions.  As a result, I've been introduced to resources for living, working and simply being, that I didn't know were accessible to me. I cannot recommend James highly enough as a trustworthy and tender guide into meditation, reflection and insights for a fuller, richer life.”

    Rebecca Ellis

  • "For me this was the beginning of healing without fixing, meeting parts of me that I didn’t know existed, and recognising that part of me was never broken to begin with."

    Margot Van Der Val

  • "Something so simple can be so powerful. James has a beautiful gift of being able to guide you to an exquisite state of being.”

    Lucinda Inch

How can Deep Rest Integration help me?

Deep Rest Integration can help you if feel, or have ever felt:

  • Caught within certain patterns of unwanted relational or personal behaviour

  • Overwhelmed, tired, burnt out, or hyper-sensitive to the challenges of daily living.

  • Driven by addictive or avoidant behaviour and unable to break out of habits and reactive patterns that haven’t resolved themselves by willpower or talking therapy.

  • Limited by emotional challenges, such as frequent inner collapse, depression, anxiety, outbursts of anger, feeling wounded or misunderstood, emotional ‘hiding’ or excessive vulnerability.

  • The excessive need to find oneself defined by another, over-dependence in relationships, or an experience of feeling ‘complete’ or loveable only through another person.

Who is Deep Rest Integration for?

Deep Rest

What is it?

Deep Rest Integration is a one-to-one enquiry-led, facilitated therapeutic experience. Deep Rest Integration Sessions provide you the opportunity to transform your relationship with yourself – which has huge implications for effecting change, growth and fulfilment in your life. This work draws upon my twenty+ years of study, professional work and personal experience within the fields of meditation, eastern philosophy, psychology, psychotherapy, yoga and the many intersections between all of these.

Sessions are based upon a ‘gold-standard’, research-backed protocol and combine a unique blend of meditative inquiry and work with unconscious processes, and can facilitate profound and lasting transformation.

Some of the most common motives for engaging in this work include:

  • Navigating a period of change in our lives. It is common, necessary even for aspects of our lives to unravel at certain points. It’s an important moment to turn inwards and find our own inner strength, vulnerability, and wisdom.

  • Going through ‘stuff’: illness, loss, grief, anxiety, or stress and recognising the need to feel more resilient and resourced. 

  • Feeling ‘broken’ in certain ways and perhaps confused about the root causes of such feelings. Self-enquiry can lead us to change our relationship with this brokenness and rebuild our self trust over time.

  • Perhaps life has simply crumbled around us and how we thought our life would unfold has been turned inside out – in these moments support can make all the difference. 

This is not traditional therapy, and not a quick fix, but rather a transformative path of radical acceptance and self-discovery. Deep Rest Integration sessions offer you the chance to understand and listen to the wisdom of your inner world; to experience psychological, physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing, and to liberate your unique expression in life – through your work, actions, creativity and relationships.

Deep Rest Integration isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but it is for anyone wishing to experience a more peaceful relationship with themselves; and for anyone who truly wishes to access a more deeply rested sense of self in their life.

This work requires curiosity and courage, and rewards these qualities with profound insight, compassion and transformation. Deep Rest Integration tends to suit those who have either ‘had their fill’ of traditional talking therapies and are seeking a new approach, or those who don’t wish to ‘go over’ what’s happened through explanation or extensive talking. There is a strong focus on sensation and the body, the felt-sense and somatic experience, which helps you to feel your way to integration, as opposed to relying on analysis, storytelling, talking and thinking.

If the notion of a deeper, quieter, wise self inside you resonates, this work is for you. Sessions leverage this principle as a holding environment to explore whatever aspects of your experience you wish to focus on, and are based on a protocol and research-based model of self-enquiry.

People are drawn to Deep Rest Integration from all walks of life – some seeking to excavate day-to-day freedom from unconscious conditioning, some seeking simple tools to experience physiological states of deep relaxation. There are many reasons, and no set reasons to undertake this work. I work with busy executives, family caregivers, office administrators, high-profile celebrities, students and those at ‘crossroad moments’ in life. Across a diverse client-base, I see commonality in the very human challenges of simply being alive, and a truth that many of us benefit from having a witnessing guide to help us integrate our difficulties with our joys, and come to a more peaceful self-relationship.

There also doesn’t need to be an overtly specific reason for engaging in this work. It may simply feel ‘right’ - the timing, or another unseen driver meaning that we finally realise it is time to tend to ourselves and find a new way of self-relating that is more aligned with our deeper truth.

Ultimately, Deep Rest Integration can help you
uncover a deep peace with life
and to become your most authentic, rested self.

Work with me

Here’s how your Deep Rest Integration journey could unfold practically…

  • Book your Free Deep Rest Integration Session and share with me what you’re wanting to explore in working together.

  • If it’s a fit for us both to work together, you can then book and make payment for your first session, or first block of Sessions, and confirm your agreement to the conditions of us working together. (Code of Ethics and Professional Practice, Privacy Policy and Terms of Business).

  • Each session, we meet online via Zoom for 55 minutes.

  • Based on your experience as we go along, you get to decide how long you want to continue sessions.

  • Please note: Deep Rest Integration is not a quick fix, so I often see people on a mid-to-longterm basis. For many, the perspective changes experienced through the work represent a profound lifestyle shift. Once equipped to do the work for themselves, my longterm clients often return for ad hoc sessions to focus on specific issues or concerns.


  • £125 per individually booked Session

    Blocks of Sessions:

    3 Sessions - £330 (£110 each)
    5 Sessions - £475 (£95 each)
    10 Sessions - £850 (£85 each)

    All Sessions are 55 minutes in duration

  • For now, all my sessions are operated online.

  • This varies and is highly individual, though it’s important to understand this is not a quick fix. Clients typically work with me for a minimum of 3-6 months, and quite a few choose to continue sessions beyond 12 months as part of their ongoing self-care.

  • The roots of this practice lie in Co-Meditation, but Deep Rest Integration is an integrated synthesis in itself which embraces aspects of other disciplines beyond Integrative Restoration Yoga Nidra, and meditation. Jungian psychology, Internal Family Systems, Family Constellations and a few others are amongst the influences on my work.