When we find ourselves clinging on to our experience and struggling to let go of circumstances we can find ourselves contracted and in a struggle. The same is true as we take time to rest. Trying to rest is an oxymoron, and trying to have some particular experience when we meditate - such as peace - can become as obstructive as it is helpful. Explore ways to loosen your grip and find a deeper freedom.
Session 1: Perfectly Imperfect (11 April)
There is a great dance between being who we are and becoming more rounded, growing toward more self-understanding. Whilst the growth is always unfolding, might it be helpful to explore and feel our perfection in this moment? “You’re perfect as you are, and could use a little improvement”!!
Watch the full zoom recording, or pick from the practices or talk to listen individually.
Session 2: Nothing (18 April)
Explore practices that focus on not getting lost in - or attached to -any of the objects within your experience. Attention is naturally drawn toward these objects of perception so we can apply effort to keep our attention unbound and free from fixation. By untethering time and time again, learn to gain freedom from the habit of fixation.
Watch the full zoom recording, or pick from the practices or talk to listen individually.
Session 3: No Enlightenment (25 April)
The ideas we can hold on to about what might happen as a result of a sustained meditation practice can ultimately trip us up. Are you expecting to acquire some special state, or arrive in a place that’s somehow different to your lived experience? Explore losing your grasp on the enlightenment project.
Watch the full zoom recording, or pick from the practices or talk to listen individually.
Session 4 - Control (3 May)
Grasping is s desperate act, tightening our grip on ourselves and others. Whilst a day-to-day sense of control in our lives is fundamental to our well-being and ease, might there be a deeper exploration to make around control? Are you really in control of your mind? Do you take who you are and what everybody else is way too personally?
Watch the full zoom recording, or pick from the practices or talk to listen individually.