90 Day Rest & Resilience Program

coaching, mentoring & online self-paced learning, supporting you to uncover your unique path to wellbeing

Deep Rest Resilience Programme

Course Content

The course is divided into 5 pillars, each building on the previous, which we will explore over a two-to-three-week period. Each week you’ll receive simple instructions for experiencing meditative moments, non-sleep Deep Rest practices, and inquiries. The content will be delivered in bite-sized chunks – enough to stoke the fire of transformation but to avoid overwhelm. These are practices that will support your time, not take from it!

As we journey through the programme together, I will ask for your feedback about what has worked best, and listen carefully to your wants and needs. This will enable me to tailor the content specifically for you. What follows is a basic outline of what you can expect.



  • Pillar 1 - Master Tranquility 

  • Pillar 2 - Unwavering Resilience

  • Pillar 3 - Positive Intuition

  • Pillar 4 - Visionary Genius 

  • Pillar 5 -Steadfast Fortitude

Pillar 1
Master Tranquility

From Overwhelm to Wellbeing.
Understand the neuroscientific discovery of the ‘Default Mode Network’ and how our brains are naturally wired to keep vigil for threats. 

Flip Your Thinking. Explore practices that are research-proven to transform negative and recursive loops of thought and promote a deep sense of well-being. Discover how these practices pave the way for easy access to deeper rest.

Get Out Of Your Head. Our minds constantly produce thoughts, and it’s very hard to stop it. When we pay attention to body sensations, a natural transition from thinking to feeling takes place. Learn to exchange unending trains of thought for a deeply restful experience of inhabiting your physicality. Dissolve physical tension and learn how to rest the mind. 

Unwavering Attention. Building on pillars 1, 2 and 3, learn to establish a steady and stable flow of concentration. Get over common pitfalls that create frustration by establishing a middle ground of relaxed effort, allowing for easy and accessible one-pointed focus. 

The Depths Of Being. We all knew how to ‘be’ when we were young children, yet as adults, we’re not taught how to value the art of doing nothing. Break down self-judgments and ideas about time and value and rediscover your most rested self. 

Pillar 2
Bulletproof Resilience

Stress Triggers. Stress is defined as a perceived inability to cope. By exploring what our personal triggers are, we can unravel from learned helplessness and gain self-mastery. 

Upside of Stress. Explore how nervous systems are wired to cope with certain amounts of stress. Find strength through harnessing stress. Explore a counterintuitive and little know approach to transform stress into an advantage. 

Reprogram Overwhelm. Too much for too long can leave us feeling flooded and unable to cope. Beliefs that we hold to be true about this further disrupt our natural coping mechanisms. Explore psychology and the use of opposites to instill a new belief system. You can cope. 

Stepping Out. Cognitive problem-solving has its limits. Taking moments amidst overwhelm to gain perspective, gives room for new insight. Learn science-based micro-meditations that build neural plasticity.

Uninterrupted Core. Whilst our bodies, minds, and nervous systems can feel overwhelmed, there’s always part of our experience that is utterly at peace, in every moment. Discover the part of you that’s never stressed!

Pillar 3
Positive Intuition

Self Trust. Build a set of personal affirmations that are touchstones amidst moments of doubt and uncertainty. Create strong psychological foundations on which to build inner knowing and conviction. 

Objective Thinking. Learn to manage thoughts and break thinking down into neutral, negative, positive, and instructive. By taking perspective on the thinking mind, learn to gain distance and choose response over reactivity.

Interrupting Self-doubt. Negative thinking and deep-rooted beliefs can interrupt our access to self-trust. Unlock core beliefs through a 5 step system of personal inquiry. 

Emotional Intelligence. Emotions fall into two camps, positive and negative, yet all emotions are instructive. Learn to listen to and distill the wisdom from feelings and move from overwhelm to integrity. 

Intuitive Knowing. Our rational mind makes up - at best - 10% of our mental processing. Accessing deeper knowing comes from relaxing our cognitive processes and getting in touch with this huge information storehouse, that lies just beyond the surface of thought. Trust in your hunches! 

Pillar 4
Visionary Genius 

Learn from the masters. Throughout history, both creative and scientific geniuses have consistently exploited contemplative traditions to gain insight and creativity. Find out who, and how. 

The Best-kept Secret About Genius. Our minds produce different bio-rhythms depending on our state: waking, sleeping, and dreaming. The hypnogogic state bridges all of these. Learn how to quickly access this and upgrade your genius. 

Hypnogogic Phenomenon. Our bodies and minds produce certain responses to this state, such as waking dreams, images, sounds, and bodily reactions. Learn which is friend and foe, and how to distill insight.  

Developing Insights: Tricks and tips on deepening moments of insight and keeping your ‘aha moments’ close, so you can build and foster them into big ideas. 

Piller 5
Steadfast Fortitude

Discover your Superpower. The same recognition lives at the heart of every contemplative tradition - our deepest experience is untroubled, calm, quiet and at ease - in every moment. Accessing this can be challenging. Learn simple yet profound ‘pointing out’ instructions that take you immediately and effortlessly to this deep well-spring of stillness. 

Beyond Activity. Learn how you don’t always need to take action to be at peace. Having built your way to resilience and deeper creativity, you now know how to ‘do this’ without doing anything at all. Set yourself free of technique for the deepest meditative experience. 

Open Hand. Let go of acquiring a certain ‘state’, in order to discover it. By losing expectations and surrendering all outcomes, paradoxical deep rest arrives. 

You Don’t Need to Know! Give up knowing and figuring anything out. By letting go of thinking and developing ‘not knowing’, return to innocence and be fresh and present. 

Regaining Time. By releasing the need to be anywhere: the past, the future, or the ‘now’, discover a super-charged meditation practice that’s easy and effortless. Leave all those other ‘meditators’ behind! 

No Self. The most constant and perennial thought is that of ourselves. Yet, it is only a thought. Deep moments of meditation can spontaneously arise as we challenge and go beyond this narrative and discover our true selves as free of any self-talk and identity.

Find out more about how the programme works

This 30-minute webinar will walk you through the 5 Pillars that act as a foundation for the programme, looking at each challenge that drives each of the solutions in turn :

  • Moving from overwhelm to recovery, through resetting the nervous system

  • Transforming negative emotion states by changing how you relate to them and learning to heed the messages within them

  • Repairing the disconnect from managing feelings of overwhelm through deep listening, thus rebuilding self-trust

  • Moving from uncertainty and second-guessing to a creative, intuitive state that connects us to leading, not following

  • From feeling there’s something wrong, to a core resilience that’s unwavering in the face of challenge and change

There are so many resilience and well-being programmes out there, why would I choose this one?

A quick google will suffice to show you that there is a huge amount of content relating to well-being and managing burnout out there. You could spend some time on YouTube, download a meditation app, read a book, see a therapist or coach - so why take this programme in particular?

I have worked in the well-being industry for 2 decades. Recently, I’ve spent time looking at the various offers out there and a lot of its focus is on the more stoic side of resilience - from cold showers to workouts - moving you toward taking on more. But what happens when there’s no more room to work harder?

This programme focuses on building capacity for being fluid in the face of challenge - being able to bend, but not break. It’s not about toughness in its traditional sense, but about how vulnerability is its own strength. By recognising the need to stop, rest, reflect, and find centre again, we uncover something much more lasting and whole.

Of the content that’s out there that focuses on this softer side of Resilience, 99% of it is self-paced and D.I.Y (do it yourself). This has limited value. It will work just great if you have time for a meandering, 10-year journey to slowly build your understanding but you’re likely reading this because you’re in - or at least close to - crisis. This is where having a coach to support you and guide you is not just a bonus, but essential.

Most importantly, I’ve come to realise that for the most pernicious problems, one way of working is not enough. We need tools that we can use on our own, one-to-one support, and to be amongst peers who are facing similar challenges to ourselves. This helps to:

  • Offer a reflective mirror for our biggest conundrums, getting us over our own natural blindspots

  • Strike a balance between helping and supporting ourselves and also being supported

  • Coming to, and being empowered by, our own understanding whilst being fast-tracked along the way

  • There are moments when we really need instant support (e.g. the middle of the night, something to turn to when we’re overwhelmed in the moment), and the pre-recorded content and practices are there at your fingertips

  • Benefit from the structure, process, and organisation of the programme content that negates confusion and gives a clear path to recovery

What’s on offer here is all of these different ways of working, in one place.

  • Coaching experience, helping you to unravel your own ball of wool.

  • Therapeutic training to get to those deeper underlying challenges.

  • Mentoring experience to fast track you through the rest practices the program offers you.

  • Plus 20 years of experience in applying these well-being practices: from burnt-out A-list celebrities all the way to trauma survivors.

There’s nothing we can’t work through together, no matter how big you feel it is or how tangled up in the hedge you feel you are. Together, we’ve got this.

What People Say About The Deep Rest Resilience Program

Here are some reflections and ‘sharings’ of experiential perspectives on the outcomes of the course and its efficacy in transforming, empowering, and building strength of conviction in individuals, teams, and organisations.